Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Single Digits

We have finally reached the single digits in our countdown of the end of Brad's Residency. The packers will be here a week from today and we leave in 9 days. I have such mixed feelings about this.

I'm excited for the following reasons:
  • It is the end of residency!!!! No more call. No more horrible hours. No more missed holidays. No more being at the beck and call of the almighty Clinic.
  • We get to move on to new adventures. New location. New house. New friends (hopefully!).
  • We get to be nearer to family. This is one of the reasons we moved to Idaho. My family had better come and visit. Hint, Hint

I'm sad for the following reasons:

  • We will be leaving behind so many fabulous people. I have learned so much from my friends and ward members in Minnesota.
  • I really like the location of my house and my neighbors. I love living in a cul-de-sac.
  • I'll miss the best book club ever!

I'm nervous for the following reasons:

  • I have never had anyone pack me when I move. I usually do it all by myself. I'm always very nervous whenever I have to do anything for the first time.
  • I'm really nervous about the packing/moving days. What am I going to do those days? What do I need to do with the kids? Should I keep them home or have them go somewhere? What should I do to get ready? So many whats?
  • Moving across country is scary. What if something happens to everything I own. I can't take everything that is sentimental with me. All of my scrapbooks will be on that moving truck. Oh, I hope it all goes well.
  • What if I don't make any friends (do I sound like a child or what?)?
  • What if I don't like my new ward? (again, childish)
  • I hope Brad's practice goes well. I always thought that at the end of residency a lot of worries (especially financial ones) would be lightened but starting your own practice is quite scary. Things are not for certain.

I think for many reasons I'm in denial about this whole moving situation. Brad and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage in August. During all those years we looked forward to a future when all his schooling would be complete. It always seemed so far into the future but now it is here. I still think the world is going to end soon and all this work will be for nothing. I know that sounds horrible-sorry.

Despite all these feelings it is an interesting time. It is time to say goodbye but also a time to say hello. I wonder what new adventures await.


Emma said...

That is so exciting! I'll have to get your new address sometime. Good luck with the move. I worry about the same things.

Jen said...

Oh my heavens Jenni! I knew we were friends for a reason! We are both worriers. Just for your information, I always tell Mike that the second coming will be here in no time and we won't get to enjoy our hard work at all. So, I know exactly what you mean! We still have four years to go!!

You will make friends so fast because you are so approachable and kind so don't worry about that. All of your moving stuff will be fine too! However, again I understand your worries because that is what I do best, WORRY!!!

Vicki said...

It will be great. Enjoy it! We'll be here to help!