Let me explain:
I usually go walking with Ben and Sam in the morning while Emily is at school but now that school is out I was wondering how I was going to get my morning exercise without waking up at the crack of dawn (Angela, you are a stronger woman than I). So I decided to try having Emily ride her bike while I push Ben and Sam in my double jogger stroller.
Well, after much prodding and pushing to get everyone ready (sippy cups filled, pretzels in bags, and everyone pottied-is that a word?-and dressed) we were off like a herd of turtles. We weren't but a house away that I was already yelling at Emily to slow down. We live at the top of a cul-de-sac that is on a hill. I always worry about it and bike and scooter riding. Today was no exception.
Emily continues on at a speedy pace. I'm running behind her about 15 feet shouting to slow down when suddenly she loses control and falls FACE FIRST onto the sidewalk. I scream and run (I have to stop the stroller and set the brakes so the boys don't go speeding down the hill unmanned). Blood is covering Emily's face; her nose is bleeding like mad. I grab the blanket from the stroller to try and stop the bleeding. I'm not sure what to do first. I'm not sure if the blood is just from her nose. I fear all her teeth have been smashed out. She is hysterical; she is crying in pain. Just then my next-door-neighbor pulls up and offers to help. I'm not sure what to do. I have a bleeding child, a bike, and a double stroller. I figure out Emily can walk-no broken bones we hope. I ask the neighbor to bring the bike home. He puts it in the car, still unsure if there is more he can do. I walk Emily and the boys home. My neighbor comes back and helps push the boys up the hill. At least we are home. Somehow that make everything seem so much better.
Emily is still crying and bleeding. Ben is now crying. I hand Sam a bag of pretzels (newly opened from a few minutes ago-do you see where this is going?) and tell him to feed some to Ben while I take care of Emily. I wipe blood from Emily's face. We have the bleeding under control. I check her teeth. Everything just as we left it but there are lines of blood above her three top teeth. Nothing seems to be looser than usual.
I have Emily sit on the couch (still screaming) as I make an ice pack to help with the swelling. Her nose, lower left eye, and lip are already growing. I try to get Emily to keep the ice pack wrapped in a washrag on her face. She won't. I page Brad. He calls and I give him the story. In the meantime. Emily is still screaming (this is very abnormal) and Ben and Sam are causing trouble. Brad isn't sure what to do because he can't see the damage. I'm frustrated and scared then look over at Ben dumping the entire 16 oz bag of pretzels all over the floor. Perfect! I hang up on Brad (not to be mean but this was not the time for courtesies) and I hand Sam the broom and dustpan and put Ben in his bed. I check Emily out again. She is confused and doesn't know what happened.
She doesn't know what happened! She can't remember how she got hurt. She doesn't remember riding her bike. She doesn't remember that we were going on a walk. That scares me. She is still crying and complaining that her face hurts. I have done all the first aid I think is necessary. Bleeding controlled, ice packs applied (as much as she would let me), Band-Aids on knees. I need her to stop crying. I decide to read to her to get her to calm down. I ask her where the Lucy book is (Lucy, the Diamond Fairy). She has no idea what I'm talking about. She has no idea who Lucy is. I go down to her room and get the book. She has gotten up to go to the bathroom. She comes back out and has stopped crying. She opens her mouth and has a surprised look on her face. "Mom look!" she asks with her mouth wide open. I'm sure her teeth are falling out. I look but nothing is wrong. "What is it Emily?" I ask. "My tooth. It is missing", she replies. Oh my, what did I miss, wondering how I could overlook a missing tooth. I look again and she points to the space of the tooth she lost last night. Oh dear!
Me: "Emily, you lost that tooth last night."
Emily: "I did?!"
Me: "Yes, it came out last night."
Emily: "Do you have it?"
Me: "Yes, it is in your tooth box."
Emily: "Where is it?" (she has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about)
Me: "Here it is." She looks at the tooth she has been packing around in the little wooden tooth case I gave her last night. She is in awe and looks at it like she has never seen it before in her life. I am freaked!
I immediately called the Ask A Nurse line. I give them the lowdown of her condition emphasizing the fact that she is confused and forgetful. She doesn't remember the most exciting thing in her life (according to her). The nurse is concerned and wants me to take her to the pediatrician. She transfers me to our clinic. I talk to a nurse there and they can't get me in to see the pediatrician until 3:00. They don't want me to wait that long and tell me to take her to the ER now. She says they might need to do a CAT scan.
At this point I'm scared. I page Brad again. He calls right back. I tell him that the clinic wants me to bring her to the ER and then tell him that she doesn't remember loosing her tooth. Brad firmly tells me YES! Take her to the ER now! Okay, my neurologist husband is telling me to take her immediately. I'm in my exercise clothes, Ben is asleep, and I need to go to the ER. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply.
I pull out my phone list. I call Hillary-no answer. I call Ann, my neighbor. I should have called her first-duh. Oops no answer. I call Sarah-no answer. I scan my list and was about to try someone else then I feel I should call Lorie L. She lives close by. I call Lorie. I'm in tears and can hardly talk. Lorie is so calm and tells she will come right over and take the boys. She offers to take me to the ER. I decide it is best to take Emily myself.
Before I know it, Lorie is here and takes Emily to the car as I grab diapers, wipes and Ben’s shoes. She loads the boys in her car and we both drive off. Brad is trying to call me/I’m trying to call him but for some reason we run into each other’s voice mail.
Eventually we connect and tells me he will meet me at the ER. I’m so relieved. I hate hospitals and I didn’t want to deal with this on my own. As I drive up to the ER, Brad is waiting for us. He takes Emily to the ER while I park.
We get in quickly. They weren’t busy and it does help that everyone knows Brad (he was just on ER service two weeks ago). The nurse and Brad evaluate her. Another doctor comes in and does another evaluation. Emily is starting to be more coherent and is recalling details that she did not know thirty minutes earlier. Brad continues to quiz her and she is able to answer most questions. After another evaluation (no one wants to take chances with the daughter of a neurologist) we decide she is okay and a CAT scan is unnecessary but a Popsicle is. I’m so relieved!
Her diagnosis was a concussion. We were concerned that her nose might be broken but since it was so swollen we couldn't tell. They said that there isn't much to do with that until the swelling goes down. She was told to rest and eat lots of Popsicles (no problem with that).
For the rest of the day I was a hopeless mess. I think I had a slight case of post traumatic stress. I kept seeing her fall face first onto the sidewalk and know that I couldn't do anything to stop it. I kept thinking how lucky we are that she didn't loose teeth, break her nose, or have a traumatic brain injury (she was wearing a helmet). I was sick to my stomach for the rest of the day and couldn't sleep that night. I was so worried about her. Every time I saw her sweet injured face my heart leaped for thankfulness that she is okay and sorrow that she is hurting.
Here is a picture of her soon after the accident eating a treat. It is difficult to see the swelling but her nose, upper lip and under her eye were quite puffy.
This experience has taught me so much. I'm thankful for my kids. Sometimes they drive me crazy but they are healthy and alive. I'm so thankful for friends who drop everything to help when needed (Lorie-you were a lifesaver!). I'm grateful for bike helmets. I know she would have been seriously injured if she hadn't been wearing one. I'm grateful for the Lord who watches over us. We have been truly blessed.
Wow, Jenni,
Just reading what happened to Emily brought back memories when I was in my car accident when Alexis was 3. I can totally relate to those feeling of helplessness. I was also grateful for friends who were so willing to drop everything and help.
I'm grateful that Emily is ok and that she is doing well.
Sending hugs your way and Emily's way.
Oh, poor Emily. That is so scary. I'm glad Emily is doing better, memory loss is never a good sign.
I had a friend who just recounted on her blog how her daughter fractured her skull by running (downhill) into a tree with her bike. She had a helmet on, but it didn't fit right. Imagine if she didn't have a helmet at all!
So glad she is o.k. How scary. It is so hard to watch your children get hurt and you just can't get to them fast enough.
Wow... I'm so glad everyone is okay. So glad that your husband totally knows his way around medicine. Poor Emily, and poor you!
I'm so glad she was ok! Kids around here don't wear helmets much, I'll have to show this to Sarah to get her back into the habit!
Oh, your story makes me so thankful for bike helmets too. Thank heavens she's okay! How scary for you all.
I'm so glad things are ok for you both. There is a HUGE advantage of having the hubby in medicine!
so very scary, what a blessing that she was okay. :(
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