Thursday, June 12, 2008

David and Goliath

While we were in Utah visiting family, we had an extended family FHE with my brothers and sisters and their families. Tiffany was in charge of the lesson. She told the kids the story of David and Goliath. After the story was told, she asked the kids if they wanted to go outside and fight Goliath. They were all eager to throw paper stones (wadded up paper) at Goliath.

Little did we know that my dad was hiding in his workshop, dress as the mighty Goliath awaiting the little Davids. As soon as all the kids were outside, he swung the workshop door open and roared a mighty roar. The kids screamed in frightened delight as Tiffany led them in battle. Soon everyone joined in and the mighty Goliath was under heavy attack.

Since I was not aware of the surprise what awaited us, I did not get my camera until his costume was a bit ragged after an intense battle with at least 8 children and a few adults throwing "stones" at him.

Somewhere along the way he lost his shield and the towels covering his drywall stilts.

Sam loved throwing stones but when "Goliath" chased him he took off like the wind. It was such an exciting FHE. I'm sure my kids and their cousins will always remember it.

Dad has even had an encore performance at a Primary activity in Tiffany's ward.


Janus said...

How fun. I wish I would of thought of that when we taught that story in seminary. I think it would of woken up some of our 'sleepy' students.

I'll have to remember that for future use.

I'm sure you will be glad to be near family, once again. Know that we will miss you and your family.

Good luck with everything and please let me know if I can help in any way.


Jen said...

Wow, what a great idea and what a darling dad you have to do that Jenni.

I can't believe you are out of here. You will be missed. I wish we would have done more. Your new ward is so blessed to be getting your cute family. As I mentioned to Julie, thanks for always being so kind and welcoming to our family here. Thanks Jenni!