Sunday, February 3, 2008

Grateful Sunday

It has been a busy Sunday but I'm going to take a few minutes to write down my thoughts for this Sunday's post before I go to bed.
  • I'm grateful that the painters are coming tomorrow to start painting my upstairs. The thought of trying to do all the painting myself, with three kids under foot, just about put me in the crazy house.
  • I'm grateful that my realtor, Lori, came over on Saturday to pick the paint colors (again preventing another visit to the crazy house-picking colors is very stressful for me because I'm so bad at it).
  • I'm grateful that my wonderful realtor, Lori, is willing to pay the painters and the carpet people. We will pay her back when we close. It is a blessing for us not to spend our cash for these projects.
  • I'm grateful for safety and the guidance of the Spirit. We had a really close call Saturday morning. A car ran a red light and just about hit us. It was speeding, and if Brad hadn't of stopped when I SCREAMED we probably would be dead (or at least me because I would have been the first one hit).
  • I'm grateful Brad had the weekend off. He won't have another one until April. We were able to go out on Saturday night and enjoy a new restaurant and stroll around the mall.
  • I'm grateful for Jen G. who we ran into during our stroll around the mall and told me about The Children's Place sale. I purchased 4 new shirts for Emily for $10.00. She is growing out of her long sleeved shirts. I don't think they will last through the cold weather and all the stores are starting to stock Spring stuff (do they realize it is zero degrees outside?).
  • I'm grateful for a new Sunday School teacher. I really liked his teaching style and I left feeling like I learned something and felt the spirit during his lesson.
  • I'm grateful for Brad. He is just wonderful, helpful, fun, and everything a husband and dad should be. He's my best friend and I treasure all the time we spend together.
  • I'm grateful Ben is sleeping better at night.

Speaking of Ben, I hear him crying so I need to end this post.


Lara said...

This is a great idea for a blog post! I may have to steal this idea. :) I love listing out things I am grateful for. It really helps me feel the Spirit more and realize that life is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I scored at the Children' Place too - love that store! And boy, your close call was scary. That would shake me up too.