Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grateful Sunday

Has it really been a week since my last posting? What a busy week! I have so much to be grateful for:
  • The carpet was installed Monday. Once again I'm grateful for our realtor, Lori, who paid for it up front. By the way, I think the carpet company we used were a blessing. Lori just discovered this company a couple of weeks before we needed them. They have one carpet/one color at a very reduced price. It saved us $250 - proportionately that is quite a bit for the job we had done (every dollar counts!).
  • I'm grateful that Brad was home Tuesday. Despite being sick he kindly watched the kids so I could paint the basement. It took all day (I guess I should have had the painters do it for me but I was trying to save a little money). It looks really nice; it makes the fireplace stand out.
  • I'm grateful, once again, for antibiotics. Ben was really sick last Sunday night. He had a fever and just sat in my lap all evening. I was up every two hours with him both Saturday and Sunday. I took him to the doctor on Monday and sure enough he had an ear infection and "maybe something starting in his chest" (that is what the doctor said). By Wednesday he was back to his usual plundering self.
  • I'm grateful Sarah P. called Monday to invite my kids over to play. Emily and Sam were able to play with Tessa and Abel while I took Ben to the doctor. It was so much easier than bringing all three with me. Thanks Sarah!
  • Brad's schedule has been really busy but we are doing well. I am actually surprised at how well we are doing. I have had the patience I need to survive even with a sick baby during the early part of the week. Emily and Sam are cooperating and I am getting a lot done in the house. One week down - six to go!
  • This afternoon, just before church started, I was overcome with the feeling that I was in the right place and doing what I need to be doing. I really needed that confirmation from the Spirit. I was tempted to stay home from church and put Ben down for a nap and get some stuff done. But I felt I should go to church. Despite the snow falling, a tired baby, and the hassle of getting four people ready for church, we went and even made it on time. I didn't get much out of it in regards to listening and learning (Ben was really tired and didn't fall asleep until it was time to go home) but that special feeling I had was worth it
  • I'm grateful for the long phone conversation I had with my mom tonight. Her uncle died last week and she was telling me about the funeral. She told me some interesting stories about her aunts' lives. It was surprising to hear that Aunt LaVern married and divorced the same man 4 times (and 4 times too many from what it sounds like). Aunt Dora was a character. She married twice and ended up with a one armed man named Charlie. There are some fascinating stories to be told.
  • I'm grateful for the country we live in. Mom's Uncle Paul served in WWII so he had a military burial (I'm not sure what you call it but the military was present at the gravesite). She told me how inspired she was by the dedication of the men who were there honoring her uncle.
  • So many things to be grateful for. I love Grateful Sunday posts. I could go on and on!!


Vicki said...

What a great post. I am catching up on your blog after being sick and out of the world for almost a week and that post was exactly what I needed to cheer me up.

Jenni said...

I'm glad you are feeling a little better.