Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Sam has a favorite number - 182. If you ask him anything that requires a number answer he will say 182.

Me: Sam, how many chicken nuggets do you want?
Sam: 182

Me: Sam, what number did you learn in preschool today?
Sam: 182

Me: Sam, how old are you?
Sam: 182

I'm not quite sure how this came to be but that is how it is. I wonder how long this will last. Maybe 182 days, months, years?


Lara said...

That is so funny. I wonder where he got that number. Derek's is easy. It is always his age. I wonder if that will continue when he is 50. :)

Angela said...

That's so random! I'm glad you have preserved that memory forever on your blog... Are you feeling better yet? I'm ready for a good long dose of Jenni time!