Sunday, February 24, 2008

Grateful Sunday

There is so much to be grateful for this week. Here are just a few:
  • I'm grateful that Brad used his only day off this week to help me with my list of things to do. I spent part of the morning and the evening helping with Emily's school carnival. We also stored TONS of boxes above the garage. I think I have finally decluttered our house to get it ready for the move. My kids have little left to play with which means there is little left to clean up!
  • I'm grateful my neighbors kindly let us use their ladder. We have one but it is not tall enough for Brad to safely place heavy boxes over his head into the storage space above the garage. The one we borrowed made the job so much easier and safer. I always worried that Brad would fall off and hurt himself horribly.
  • I'm grateful Brad took the kids around the school carnival. I'm the PTSA treasurer and I had to monitor the ticket booths. Even though Brad doesn't enjoy that kind of adventure, he kindly did it. The kids had fun with the games but I think the cotton candy was the best part of the evening. Oh, I wish I could still eat cotton candy!!!!! I had one taste and that just about sent me into sugar overload-but it was worth it. Emily gave some to Ben and, of course, he was wild about it. I saw him reach over and grab her hand so she could give him more. (Third children are raised so differently than the others. There was no way Emily and Sam ever tasted cotton candy or anything quite so sweet at such a young age.)
  • I'm grateful for my health. I am currently enduring a bad case of laryngitis. I have absolute no voice. For someone who likes to talk like I do, this is one of the worst things that could happen to me. But I don't have any other symptoms-no stuffy head, no cough, no sore throat, so I consider myself blessed.
  • At this moment in time, we are all healthy (except of course my laryngitis). We have had so much sickness this winter, it is nice to not be wiping any one's runny nose.
  • I'm grateful for Jessica J. who taught our Relief Society lesson today. I was supposed to teach but without a voice, I had to get a substitute. It was interesting that it was Jessica's husband who chose the General Conference talk that our lesson was based on. She did a wonderful job and Ben actually was pretty good and I was able to listen carefully.
  • I'm grateful for books. I love to read and I actually read a few books this week. Each of them was short enough to read in one evening. I indulged myself and put a few other things on hold to spend time with my favorite hobby.

Speaking of my favorite hobbies, I think I will end this post and sneak in an hour of reading before bedtime.

PS I'm grateful for spell check. Mine has not been working but now it does! Yea!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I really hope your voice comes back SOON! I need a good long Jenni catch up chat.