Friday, February 8, 2008

Trying to Be Like Daddy

I was on the phone with a friend today and Sam went into my bathroom (the hall bathroom is off limits due to wet paint). After I got off the phone, I realized he had not come out and I went to check on him. I was shocked and scared to find him with blood all over his face and hands. Naturally, I quickly examined him to discover the problem. He wasn't crying at first but then burst out, "I was using Daddy's razor." I found that he cut himself just above his upper lip and it was bleeding profusely. He had already tried to wipe it away (the potty was full of bloody toliet paper). I wet a clean wash cloth and wiped the blood away to see how bad the cut was. It wasn't serious but we had trouble stopping the bleeding.

Sam was trying to be brave and didn't want to get into trouble (he has been told not to touch Dad's razor because it is sharp etc.). He felt so bad and started to cry. He said, "I wish I never did it. It hurts really bad." I held him and cleaned him up. It took quite awhile before he calmed down. I think he was really upset at seeing his face bleed and not being able to stop it. He fell asleep after awhile and when I woke him up, he was still upset and wanted me to hold him. My sweet little Sammy-he is such a cute boy. It breaks my heart to see him cry and upset.

Surprisingly, you can't even see his cut now. The skin around it is red but I don't see the cut anymore. I hope it doesn't bother him tomorrow.


Emma said...

Ouch. Poor Sam. David cut his finger on my razor when he was really little (18 months or so). He cried a lot, and told the story over and over again for months!

Vicki said...

What an experience. Seeing all that blood would probably make me panic! Poor Sam. I hope he feels better and doesn't do it again :)

Lara said...

Poor thing! It is amazing how boys are. If that happened to my girls they would be screaming non-stop. I hope he is ok.

Angela said...

Cute, sweet Sam. I'm glad he's okay.