Monday, February 25, 2008

My Secret Weapon to Combat Grime

I'm on a mission everyday. It is to combat the dirt, grime and mess that is created by three young children. It is an ongoing battle but I have a secret weapon. It is my Black & Decker Dust Buster 9.6V. I love it! I acquired this helpful device after I saw how my neighbor conquered a mess of crushed crackers with a flip of the switch-no broom, no dustpan. She had hers mounted to the wall by the kitchen table. I wish I could do the same but since my walls are freshly painted I won't mount mine until we move.

It is especially helpful to clean up the mess Ben makes in his high chair. After he eats crackers, dry cereal, etc., I just whip out my handy dandy Dust Buster and suck away all the crumbs (and even whole crackers). The high chair has a cloth seat cover over a plastic lining and it used to be a pain to clean it out-crumbs would fall between all the layers and it was yucky. But now I just suck it all up and in seconds I have clean high chair. I hate to admit this part, but I have even waited over night for food to dry on the seat so I can suck it up the next morning-much easier and not so gross as using my hands.

But the best part of the Dust Buster-Sam also loves it. His job is to "Dust Bust" the kitchen floor. I have gone from sweeping everyday to sweeping once or twice a week. Sam cleans up the mess under the kids bar stools and under the kitchen chairs. It helps keep the kitchen looking cleaner without a daily sweep (which is one task I really despise).

So if you don't have one of these spiffy machines, look into it. I don't think there is anything especially unique about my model (it was $29.99 at Linen N' Things with a $25 gift card rebate) but get one with enough vacuum power to suck up larger objects.

Good luck!


Vicki said...

Jenni, you'd probably enjoy this: In The Simpson's Movie there is a scene where Ned Flanders is putting his kids to bed. After their milk and cookies but before the final blanket gets tucked in, he "dustbusts" the crumbs off their beds. I thought that was just in a movie and now it turns up in your blog!

Lara said...

That is a great idea. Ashley and Kylie have started vacuuming with my regular vacuum but this would be great for all of them with little messes. And boy are there ALWAYS little messes everywhere.

Jenni said...

I saw that movie and forgot that scene until you mentioned it. I always liked that doodly Ned Flanders.

Angela said...

Hmmm, I'll have to think about his one. I have a shark cordless vacuum that I love, but it doesn't suck dirt out of the high chair, just off the floor.