With the second you try hard but you're busier. You hope to do everything the same as with the first but you just don't have the time like you did. It is harder to keep a second baby on a schedule because child #1 has play dates, school, or just sometimes needs to get out of the house before everyone goes crazy.
With baby #3 everything goes out the window!
Case in point: When Emily was young she didn't get her first taste of candy until she was almost two. I held back on fruit snacks (choking hazard!) and lollipops (never!-way to sticky) for so long.
When Sam came around, Emily was already "exposed" to all that and so he was introduced to sweets much earlier but still within reason.
But BEN. Now he has 2 older siblings who gets way to much candy from holidays, parties, school, etc. They love their little brother and are so willing to share. See what I mean:
Kids try to be so helpful. The girls kept trying to feed string cheese to Derek when he was little. Your kids all look so happy! I love the pics.
Hey, I am right there with you! However, it is quite liberating to not care about being perfect anymore, don't you think?
I got a good laugh out of this picture too, I totally remember how long Emily went before having a taste of a lollipop! I love that line, "but mom, he likes it..." Kids call it how they see it.
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