Saturday, October 20, 2007


I was making salsa Friday afternoon for gourmet club. Sam was watching me slice the slippery tomatoes and kept reminding me to be careful with the sharp knives. He was really concerned that I would cut myself. We got a new set of knives awhile back and I didn't realize how sharp they were until I saw the knife slice into my finger. It took a second to realize what I had done and for the pain to come. Then I screamed and started to bleed. Sam and Emily came running and I told them what happened and Sam said, "Mom, I told you to be careful!"

Thankfully, it wasn't too deep, no stitches needed; but it hurts like the dickens! Brad said that the tips of your fingers have a lot of nerves so it hurts worse. I can attest to that!

This experience has made me appreciate my hands because the simplest tasks have become a burden. Any slight pressure on it makes my finger throb (as I type this I have tried to avoid using my sore finger but it is quite difficult). I'm sure it will get better soon but in the mean time I'm glad it wasn't my right hand!


Anonymous said...

Ouch! That makes me cringe. I recently cut my hand trying to get out the pit of an avocado - I can't handle avocados anymore! They scare me.

Vicki said...

I bet the natural acid in the tomato probably made it hurt, too. I'm so sorry! I get big paper cuts at work from manilla folders sometimes and it runs my whole week of typing. It's nothing like a knife cut though, and I hope you heal fast!

Anonymous said...

Actually sometimes a paper cut can take longer to heal because paper is so sharp that it acutally cuts the cells. Surgical knifes are made intentionally dull so they seperate tissue instead of slicing it. FYI Brad

Angela said...

Oh, Jenni, I'm so sorry!