Saturday, October 13, 2007

New Calling!

I am amazed at how the Lord answers our prayers. I have mentioned how difficult my current calling, Primary Chorister, is for me (see Why Me). After our Sacrament Meeting Program, I talked to the Primary President. We discussed how since I will be moving in June it would be a good idea (okay I just told her outright) it would be better to call a new chorister before January so they can teach the songs for next year. I would be willing to stay on until Christmas if they needed me to. I mean all the pressure is gone of teaching and mastering the songs. Now it is just fun-no stress.

I thought to myself, "What calling would I like to do? " My dream calling is being a Relief Society teacher. I love Relief Society. I have missed it so much. I love being with other women and being taught and inspired by them. I realized that this is what I would really love to do until we move but I knew they had recently called a new teacher and it would not be likely.

After the morning session of General Conference, we received a phone call from a member in the Bishopric. Brother B wanted to come over and meet with us. I hoped it was a new calling but prepared for the worst. Then he asked if I would be a RELIEF SOCIETY INSTRUCTOR!!!!! I was thrilled to say the least. It is just want I wanted! After he left I pondered the calling. It really brought to mind how our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers and knows what is in our hearts. Being Primary Chorister was so difficult for me and I did not always do it with a light heart but did grow to like it (sometimes). When I was set apart in that calling, the bishop said that I would be blessed because I trusted the Lord and I believe this new calling is a blessing.

A day or so later I was talking to the Relief Society President about another matter and I mentioned that I accepted the calling and was thrilled. I told her how being Primary Chorister had been a real challenge and I hoped I could be a Relief Society teacher. She mentioned to me that there were many people they thought of to fill the calling of instructor but that my name was the one they felt so sure of without a doubt. It was a further confirmation to me that our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers and understands our needs. He loves us so much. This experience has strengthened my testimony and confirmed to me that if we follow His will we will be blessed and grow from whatever struggles we face.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Sometimes callings are to help us grow, sometimes they are just for us to enjoy! Well, I think any teacher is going to grow when they plan a lesson! Good luck with your new calling!