Monday, January 21, 2008

Quick Update

Okay, I finally have a few seconds to blog so I'll make this quick. Ben is plundering at my feet and I have just a minute before he goes to bed. Here is what has happened so far in my life since my last blog (please excuse any grammatical errors due to my haste in writing):
  • I came down with strep throat an hour or so after I wrote my last blog. Lost 2 days to couch confinement-too weak and sick to move. Thank heavens for a doctor husband who called in a prescription and even brought it to me on his lunch break (since I was too sick to drag three kids to the pharmacy).
  • I only have ONE more day of teaching Sam's preschool. I would already be done but I had to cancel 2 days in a row due to previously mentioned strep throat (Emily had it before me and I had to cancel a day because she was sick). As much as I enjoy teaching preschool, I really need time to get stuff done (see below).
  • Brad had Friday - Sunday off. We spent Friday at the Children's Museum and The Cheesecake Factory!!! (I'll post pictures someday).
  • We finally cleaned our office!!!!!! I have packed boxes, and boxes, and boxes of stuff away. We moved out 2 storage cabinets and a bookcase and cleared out quite a bit of the closet. It is so nice and clean; I feel like working on a craft project. Oh no, it has all been packed away! No more projects until I move (and then get unpacked and settled-I'll probably never get around to them:-(
  • I met with our realtor today (after spending the morning frantically cleaning, dusting, and vacuuming). She is optimistic but says we need to paint the entire main floor, replace the carpet on the stairs and expand the laminate in the living room (how are we going to do that!!). Oh, and get rid of just about everything. This is my current stress! How on earth am I going to paint with 3 kids around along with everything else!!!!!

Well, Ben is done plundering (he couldn't make too much of a mess because the office is CLEAN!!!! Now I need to read my book club book. I still have 300 pages of The Woman in White to read. It is really good and I have hated not being able to read but I promised myself after our realtor meeting I could finish it.

So farewell until I finish my book.


Vicki said...

Oh, Jenni! I'm so sorry you are so busy. I wish I could come help paint. I'm glad you got over the strep throat and good luck with everything else!

Sarah said...

Congratulations on cleaning the office! That has to feel good.

And I'm sorry about your "to-do" list before you list the house. Repaint? Recarpet? Expand the laminate? Is it all necessary or just suggested? Man. I'd hate to hear what we'd have to do to our house. It could use a lot more updates...have you seen our all yellow-tile bathroom? :)

Good luck with reading! It's a good one.