Sunday, January 27, 2008

My New Goal

I've set a goal and maybe by posting it on my blog it will make me commit to following through.

Today I taught our Relief Society lesson on President Henry B. Eyring's conference talk O Remember, Remember. In this talk he challenges us to record our experiences so that we can "recognize and remember God's kindness." President Eyring wrote in a journal "a few lines every day for years." He said "I was supposed to record for my children to read, someday in the future, how I had seen the hand of God blessing our family" and so that his "children could have the memory someday when they would need it."

One purpose of my blog was to create a scrapbook/journal of my daily life. I have never been a consistent journal writer and I love to scrapbook but don't have the time anymore. Blogging filled both of those gaps. I have missed blogging over the past month. I miss writing down the thoughts I have had or record what our latest adventures, mishaps, and experiences have been. But now I want to spend more time recording how I have been blessed by God and recognize his hand in my life. In my lesson today I said I would start this new goal by following in the footsteps of Natalie and Leslie and make an effort to post a Grateful Sunday entry every week.

So here is my first consistent Grateful Sunday entry (I say consistent because that means there should be one every week).
  • I'm grateful for modern medication especially antibiotics, Tylenol, Advil, and Sudafed. It seems like we have been sick frequently this winter. What would I do without a little help to make the body aches, strep throat, nasal congestion and headaches go away! I'm currently experiencing nasal congestion (again!) and I probably would not have made it to church today without taking some Sudafed and Advil before church to help ease my yucky symptoms.
  • I'm grateful for a loving husband. Brad is so helpful. I was able to sleep in and take a nap today AND yesterday. I'm so spoiled!
  • I'm grateful Heavenly Father sent me Ben. I am amazed at how much I LOVE this fat, happy baby. Ben is just what I needed for a third baby. He giggles and laughs at everything. He brings such joy into our lives.
  • I'm grateful for Emily. This morning as I was finishing my lesson downstairs, I heard Emily helping Sam get ready for church. She was helping him put his shirt on and get buttoned. She is an amazing girl and the best big sister ever!
  • I'm grateful for Sam. A few months ago Sam was a challenge. He was so slow at everything and it took him forever to do anything (not because he couldn't do it, but that he was distracted by everything). Now he is almost always the first to jump up and get ready to go when asked. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the patience to help this little boy get his act together.
  • I'm grateful for my calling as Relief Society Instructor. I love this calling. I love that it makes me study the inspired messages given during conference. I just love it!
  • I'm grateful for blogs. I love staying in touch with my Texas friends and I hope my Minnesota friends can stay in touch with me after I move.
  • I'm grateful for my house. I love the house we bought when we moved to Minnesota. It was our first "house." We probably won't make any money on the sale of this house but it was worth it because I loved living in it.

Okay, just as President Eyring promised in his talk once I got thinking about God's hand in my life, the evidence of what God has done for me has begun to flow and I could go on and on. But I'll stop here because I have a cute picture of Ben to post.

1 comment:

Angela said...

What good timing this post was for me. I need to take a step back and remember that I too have been richly blessed! Thanks for sharing.