Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Plundering Begins

Ben is only 9 1/2 months but he is into everything! I thought that I would have awhile before I had to put locks on the cabinets and keep the doors closed. But no! If he can get into something he happily pulls out everything he can get his chubby little hands on.

The above picture is what I found the other day. I was reading Emily and Sam a story and when we were done I went to find Ben. Somehow the closet door was left open (I'm sure just a crack) and Ben opened it and started pulling things down. The pink bowls are the remains of Emily and Sam's Halloween candy (yes, Halloween candy-a few pieces remain and they don't want to see it go so they are holding onto it). Ben got a hold of a lollipop and is so happy. He really wailed when I took it away from him, cleaned everything up and closed the door (and made sure it was closed this time).

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Emily and Sam are just like Jenni when it comes to Halloween candy . . .it lasts forever!