Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sam, Sammy, Samuel

Sammy is our adorable 3 year old. Some of the things we love most about him are:
  • His delightful giggle. When he laughs I wish I could bottle it up and keep it forever.
  • He loves to cuddle. Emily was never a cuddly baby but Sam will still cuddle with me.
  • He is cute! He is a short little boy (sorry bud but you got your mommy's genes) and everywhere we go people always comment on how cute he is.
  • He makes up fun games to play. While I nurse Ben, Sam makes up silly games that I can play while sitting down. For example, he hands me a bean bag and we take turns throwing it at a "target" (which could be anything such as a book, a chair, or a bowl). After every throw he says, "good throw Mom" or "maybe next time" and retrieves the bean bag over and over. This is just one example of the many games he has created.
  • He is becoming very independent. Every morning he gets himself dressed before he comes upstairs (it doesn't matter that his shorts are usually on backwards).
  • He is sensitive and tender.
  • He is a good big brother. He talks about how when Ben grows up he is going to teach him how to play with trains, cars, and balls, and ride a scooter.
  • He LOVES Emily and will play just about anything she wants to. We have too many pictures of Sam in a dance leotard and ballet slippers because Emily wanted to play dance class. See picture below - I just couldn't resist!

Here's Sam hard at play!

Sam's a "good egg"!

Sam loves to play with toys. He often goes downstairs all by himself to play and play and play!

Grandma Eva gave him this tie and when he saw it he had to wear it (even though it is a little big). He told his nursery teachers and anyone who would listen that he has a tie "just like Daddy."

What a handsome little man he is!
We love you Buddy!


Angela said...

I am still shocked when I see how big little Sam is! I still have the baby Sam image in my mind, since that's how old he was when you guys moved away! You're right, he is a good egg, and such a cute one. I love to hear stories about him... and that picture of him in tights in priceless... what a great bribe for the future.

Emma said...

He is a cutie!

Vicki said...

My favorite memory of Sam is swinging on the swings in Dad's backyard and for some reason we both were shouting "chocolate chip cookies!" He has such a cute laugh, I was just being silly so I could keep hearing him laugh!