Saturday, August 25, 2007

4th of July Fun

I love the 4th of July and not just because it is my birthday. Although when I was young, I thought the parade, barbecue, and fireworks were all for me - a huge birthday celebration! Later, of course, I realized it wasn't, but it is still a special day to spend time with family, friends, and community. It is as full of tradition as Christmas. I buy everyone in the family a new red, white, and blue outfit (It is fun to have an excuse to buy new clothes!).

The day starts out with the really LOUD cannon firing at 6:00 am. When I was growing up, this part really annoyed me because we generally stayed up really late the night before. Now it is a signal to start the fun! Next, we have the community pancake breakfast. Our family started attending this event about 10 years ago. My dad and sometimes my brothers help with the cooking (this year he had a new spatula which was envied among all the cooks). His flag shirt is as much of the tradition as anything. At the breakfast I usually run into people I haven't seen for years (or at least since the last 4th of July). Most of the cooks are members of the 2nd Ward, so I know many of them. I see former classmates, neighbors, and friends. It is fun to keep a look out for someone I know. Here's a picture of Dad in his famous flag shirt and Mom holding Ben.After the breakfast we start heading down to Main Street, just a couple of blocks away, to watch the parade. Nowadays we have to spread our blankets 2 - 3 days in advance to save our favorite spot under the shade of the pine trees. Dad bought this 6 kid stroller (see picture below) at his favorite store. It is now part of the tradition to have him push the grandkids to the parade site. (Ben would not cooperate for the picture). I don't know what we are going to do when more than 6 grandkids want to ride.

This year Emily woke up extremely early because she was so excited about the parade and the CANDY. They get way too much Salt Water Taffy and it never gets eaten (except the peppermint flavor) but it is so fun to gather. The favorite treat that was thrown at the parade this year were frozen Otter Pops. They were very refreshing.

I was so happy to have Brad join in all the festivities. He rarely gets to join me in Utah for the 4th due to school. Here he is with my brother Shaun helping the kids grab candy at the curb (Brad is in the hat-Shaun in the sunglasses). Below is Tiffany holding Ben. During the whole parade there was always someone willing to hold Ben.
After the parade we walk back to Mom and Dad's for a yummy barbecue, birthday cake and fun in the backyard. Later that night we watch the fireworks. I used to go over to the high school to watch the fireworks but since I have had kids it is nice to stay in Mom and Dad's backyard and view them from the comfort of a lawn chair and no crowds. This year Emily, Sam, and even Ben thought the fireworks were great. Afterwards we light a few sparklers and miscellaneous fireworks before we all go to bed exhausted. Every year seems to be as wonderful as the previous. I have always felt very lucky to have such a fun day for a birthday. I mean who else gets to have barbecues, family and community gatherings, and fireworks on their birthday and most likely the day off. I can't wait until next year!!!!!

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