Monday, August 13, 2007

Baby Ben or as we call him Chubba Dub Dub

One reason for my blog was to post pictures of my kids so the next few blogs will be about them. Ben is four months now and weighs almost 18 pounds! My brother Shaun started calling him Chubba Dub Dub and it has stuck. We love each one of his rolls and dimples!

Look at those chubby legs!

Emily loves him so much. She is so helpful with him.

I love his little toes. They are like peas in a pod and I just want to pick each one and eat it!

We can't get enough of this cubby little baby!

Ben is the happiest little baby. He loves to be around people. If we leave the room he cries but he is so content if he is part of the action. He is full of smiles and giggles and "talks" all the time. I just love this baby!!!!


Angela said...

I love your cute chubby baby too! and I love being able to see more pictures of him and your other adorable kids!

Emma said...

Chubby babies are sooo cute!

Leslie said...

gosh, he is adorable, jenni! :)

Vicki said...

I'm glad you've caught his cute chubby smile on film! I remember when I first saw Ben when he was just a few months old. I got to feed him his bottle (at Cafe Rio in Layton, Utah of all places!) and see his darling eyes shine out at me. What an adorable baby!