Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Behind on my blogging

I am so far behind on all the posts I wanted to create. We have done so much this summer and I want to document it but I feel like I am just keeping my head above water. There is so much to do. I just spent the last 2 hours transcribing Brad's dictation and paying some of his office bills. Now that he is his own boss, the more work I can do for him means the more money that stays in our pockets.

So instead of blogging for fun, I am typing for work. Oh well-maybe if I quit reading all of your blogs I would have more time to blog on my own. I won't go that far.


Sarah said...

I sometimes feel like I can either blog or read other blogs, but not both. It takes too much time, but I love doing both! Hope all continues to go well with Brad's job. How's Em's class? Is her teacher acknowledging her genius yet?

Jenni said...

Well, I did get a note acknowledging her above grade reading level and she is sending home advanced math homework, but I don't know what is being done in the classroom. I'm still working on that.

Lydia said...

It's nice to know what you're up to, Jenni! That's great you can help out Brad.

Lara said...

I don't know how you juggle all that. You are amazing. Brett's mom gave me some ideas on how I can help Brett so we can keep the money in our pockets. It makes my head hurt thinking about adding more to my day. :)

Julie said...

I'll be starting as Todd's secretary/treasurer soon too. That's what I'm listed as in his coorporation. I'll have to get some tips from you!
We hope Brad's job is going well & we'd love to get together one of these weekends.

Jana said...

If your friends stop liking you because you don't blog as frequently as you used to, then they're not you're real friends.

I, for one, will still be your friend even if you stop blogging entirely (that is, as long as you still read mine!!!!). Have a great day...hope your work eases up soon.


Teri said...

I just spent the last hour reading blogs when I should have been doing something else. Everything has that black/white side doesn't it? You're awesome, good luck with all the work.

Jen said...

Way to help out the hubby! I feel that way with life period. There is ALWAYS so much to do! I just want to be a kid again with few responsibilities!!!!