Monday, July 7, 2008

We Are Getting Settled

Well our stuff eventually arrived and we are moved in. I have unpacked most of the boxes but there are still those few random boxes that I just haven't figured out where to put the stuff yet. Although I am 95% unpacked, I still feel unorganized and not used to my new space. I can't wait to get into every closet and cupboard and organize them. But there is still so much to do. I'm not even going to decorate for awhile.

We spent the 4th of July weekend with my family in Utah. Brad planned a wonderful birthday getaway weekend for us on Saturday and Sunday. I'll blog more about our weekend when I find the cord to download my pictures from my camera (I have no idea where it could be).

We are going to Utah again next weekend to see my new nephew Ian be blessed and to go to Lagoon (Brad bought us season passes for my birthday!).

I'll blog more when I don't feel the boxes in the office staring at me, waiting to be unpacked.


Kate said...

Happy late Birthday! I'm so glad you are getting more settled! Have tons of fun at Lagoon!

Ann said...

Yea, glad you are getting settled. Have fun at Lagoon, I haven't been there since Kyson was a baby!

Sarah said...

I hope you get to those closets soon...just so you don't go crazy. :)

How nice of Brad to plan a birthday weekend for you. Hope it was fun!

Lara said...

Wow what a great gift! I can't believe how fast you unpack. When you are done organizing your closets do you want to come do mine? Happy birthday!

Julie said...

Sounds like you are getting along. I'm with you on the unable to blog with boxes around.
Can't wait to hear about your fun weekend.
Give us a call one of these times you are in Utah!

Lydia said...

What a relief that your stuff finally arrived! Good luck with all the organizing and unpacking.

fletcher5 said...

I am so sorry you have been so frustruated. It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. We miss you guys! Good to keep up with you.
My blog address is

Jen said...

Yeah, you have stuff!! But, then like you said, that stuff has to be unpacked and it sounds like it is mostly done. Good for you. We miss the sweet Talcott family so much.

Have a great summer Jenni. Miss you guys.

Angela said...

Brad knows you so well! I'm glad your birthday was a success and that you're getting settled.