Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Emily and "Nancy"

Brad and I have this little "debate." I love the name Nancy. I would love to have another little girl and name her Nancy. Brad absolutely does not like the name. We were joking about it the other day. Emily was listening and she came up with a solution. So let me introduce you...

...This is Nancy. Emily spent about an hour and a half creating Nancy. She traced her own feet and hands for Nancy's feet and hands. She colored the entire body. She made a dress for her and decorated it with flowers and colored it yellow (her favorite color). She gave her hair and included a bow that doubles as a handle to hold her.

For about three days, we had to include Nancy is most family activities; bed time stories, dinner time, etc. She is now hanging on our art board as an honorary family member.

Will I ever get a "real" Nancy. Who knows...I'm still hoping.


Vicki said...

It looks like Emily would like a sister, too!

Emma said...

Oh my! She is so creative!!!

Angela said...

I love this story!

Stick to your guns on the name Nancy!