Sunday, November 11, 2007

Preschool Halloween Party

For the past 3 years, I have hosted our preschool's Halloween party. I figure since I have the games, decorations, and plan, why not. It is different kids every year; no one knows the difference. It was really fun to do this with Sam. He has always tagged along for Emily's activities but this party was my first for Sam and his friends. I did a few different activities with Sam's group because it is mostly boys. The kids below are (L - R) Mason-Peter Pan, Blake-Anakin Skywalker, Sam-Spiderman (Don't ya love the slippers! He insisted on wearing them and he has on Spiderman underpants :-), Alyssa-princess, Sarah-cheerleader (Mason's older sister who has afternoon kindergarten).
We did a few crafts-decorated a bag with Halloween stamps for our goodies and prizes, made a Halloween necklace (we do have one girl), and made bat hats.

Then we learned all about bats (I couldn't have a preschool party without some education involved!). I read them a story about bats. It ended with what bats eat (insects, spiders, snakes, etc) so then we pretended to be bats (we were wearing our nifty bat hats) and went on a bug hunt. I had placed about 50 plastic bugs (I bought them last year after Halloween on clearance for 50 cents! What a bargain!!!) all around the yard and the kids collected them in their bags. Thankfully, it was a pleasant day and the kids had fun running around looking for "bugs to eat". After some playtime we ate spiders for snack (Ritz crackers spread with peanut butter, stick pretzels for legs [yes, I know spiders have 8 legs but 6 just fit better on the cracker], chocolate chips for eyes) and then played Halloween Bingo with candy corns for covers and candy for prizes (it is a Halloween party). Everyone had a great time. The kids were so cute in their costumes. Emily came home from Kindergarten before everyone left and was able to have some fun as well. Another fun Halloween party! I wonder if I'll have to do one next year?


Vicki said...

Jenni, you are so creative. I want to come to your Halloween party next year! Save me a bat hat!

Jenni said...

I'll have one if you come!