Sunday, November 18, 2007

Emily Sings

Today in Sacrament Meeting, Emily sang with two of her friends, Rachelle B. and Haley T. Rachelle's mom, Teri, organized this sweet little group to sing the song, My Heavenly Father Loves Me. I didn't think Emily would go through with it. I thought she would be too shy. But she got up there and sang her little heart out.

She practiced diligently to prepare for this moment. She listened to it in the car over and over. She sang it all day Saturday and during the ride to church just to make sure she got it. She looked forward to practicing this morning with "the microphone." She reminded me all week that we had to go to church early to practice (I forgot last Sunday-oops).

Yesterday, while Brad and I were Christmas shopping online (fun!). Emily dressed up in her pretty Christmas dress (of 2 years ago), combed her hair and put in several barrettes (a little girl can never have too many), and set up a little chapel. She used the vacuum as the podium (with a box to stand on) and boxes for benches. She called Brad, Sam, and me to a special meeting. She had us start with a prayer, then she sang her song so beautifully, and then we ended with a prayer. It was so sweet.

I am amazed at how grown up she has become. I am so proud of her. If it was me I would have been shaking in my boots. It's moments like these that Brad and I look at each other and smile; we are both thinking the same thing.


Angela said...

I love how she organized her practice, how sweet! I'm proud of her for singing in front of everyone, what an accomplishment. I love Emily!

Vicki said...

That's awesome!