Sunday, November 18, 2007

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

I recently finished a book titled, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. The cover says:
I have not survived against all odds.
I have not lived to tell.
I have not witnessed the extraordinary.
This is my story.

I found this to be a humorous book. I would laugh out loud at many parts. When I would read them to Brad he would say, "That is Jenni funny." Meaning, I find things to be funny that he doesn't. But there was a whole Reader's Digest article about the differences in humor in males and females but that is a whole different blog subject.

Let me quote from the book:
Spilled Linguine
I spilled a package of linguine on the kitchen floor. My immediate reaction was, What a bummer, what a waste. But then: Wait a second, it's going directly into a pot of boiling water. Sterilizing these noodles and cooking them are one and the same. Cool.

I love sleeping. I love falling asleep on the couch, in the car, on trains, in the sun. I love getting into bed at night, and whenever possible, sleeping late in the morning. I love beds and covers and quilts and pillows. I just love everything about sleeping.

Potato Chips
When I eat potato chips, particularly the crunchy kettle kind, I find myself looking through the bag for the good chips. Somehow a good chip is one that is extra thick looking, and curled onto itself or folded, as opposed to straight and flat. It is a treat, a victory, to find a really good chip and pluck it from the bag. The thinner, straight, or broken ones aren't nearly as pleasing.

That is what Brad calls Jenni funny. I think it is hilarious! Maybe because I have thought those same things but never considered writing them down. I like how Amy writes what she thinks. I have often thought weird things like this but I have never written any of them down. If I ever started a personal blog it would be titled Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Mom.


Angela said...

That would be a really cool title, except I don't think you're an ordinary mom... you could call your new blog, encyclopedia of an extra-ordinary mom, that would be more fitting...

Regarding the quotes from the book, I laughed out loud at two of them... I guess I get Jenni humor :) And I love it when I find an unusual chip! I'd never thought of it as a triumph, but I swear they taste better!

Vicki said...

I finally ordered this from my library last Wednesday - before I read your blog but after I had seen your listing on goodreads a while back. My library doesn't have it so I ordered it through an interlibrary loan (actually James ordered it for me because I don't like talking to the librarians). I'm excited to read it! I love book recommendations from Jenni!