Wednesday, November 7, 2007

But you didn't say...

We met Brad for dinner the other night. It was a spur of the moment kind of outing. I had had a busy day and did not want to cook or mess up my clean kitchen and I had to take the kids to gymnastics and Brad had orchestra so when Brad called to say he was coming home, we decided to meet at Noodles. I told the kids to get in the car so we could meet Dad. They obeyed so quickly and I was so proud of them for getting ready so nicely.

As we were getting out of the car, I noticed Sam did not have on any shoes. He was just in his socks. Here is our conversation:
Me: Sam, where are your shoes (assuming he either brought them with him or they fell off)?
Sam: I don't have any.
Sam: But you didn't say "get your shoes and socks on".


Emma said...

That is funny!

Sarah said...

Kids are so literal some times. They're crazy.