Monday, March 2, 2009

March 17th

Just wanted to give a quick update on the house situation. We now close on March 17th despite the bank wanting to move it back a few weeks, then up a few weeks, then immediately. I haven't been to the house in awhile but we should be back tonight and/or tomorrow and I'll take some better pictures and get them posted.

We have spent some time looking at carpet, mudroom ideas, and other things we plan on improving in the house. If anyone has any great ideas, suggestions, pictures (especially of mudrooms) please forward them on! I am very overwhelmed with the prospect of all the new improvements. I'm afraid I'll do it all wrong and tacky. Sarah P. I wish you lived around the corner again. You helped me though decorating my kitchen and playroom which were the only rooms I ever really decorated in my last house. You have beautiful ideas and taste and an eye for decorating.

We plan on improving the upstairs right away before moving in. Even though it will be a money crunch, we figure it will be best in the long run to just do it now. We will do the downstairs later. Our realtor recommend our backyard neighbor and he is overseeing all the improvements.

Our rental house is on the market and I have to say I'm really, really, really annoyed about having to show my house. It is so much stress to get the house clean and ready to show. We did it on Saturday and I feel like it is a BIG inconvenience to leave my house so Jake can show it. Also, because we are moving I stopped keeping my closets organized because I figured it would all have to be packed up before too long. So now I feel weird having people look into my messy closets and pantry. Part of me feels like Jake should give us a break on the rent or be willing to end our lease early if we have to show it. What do you think is reasonable. The stress from showing our MN house is still fresh and I really don't feel up to doing it again so someone else can sell their house.

I guess my blogging time is over because Ben won't stop climbing on me and grabbing the mouse.


Audra said...

Isn't it awful? I would get so frustrated after spending hours making things immaculate just have to the people casually take a look with no needs to buy, or worse, have a scheduled showing, not show up at all!! Are you showing it to another renter or is he trying to sell it again?
You can always have the attitude of tidy is good enough. You're not trying to get top dollar for the house. We looked at lots of places that were picked up, but not necessarily clean to my standards.
Also, is a great website for decorating rooms throughout the house. Lots of photos with tips.

Sarah said...

Sorry about showing the rental, Jenni. When is your lease up? Is Jake trying to sell the house or rent again? I wouldn't get too stressed about the closets, pretty soon you'll have boxes for people to move around!

I wish I could be there to help with the decorating. I love doing things like that. Although, I'm not sure if Brad wants my influence... ;)

Ellen said...

I'm with you on the decorating challenged front! Also, our rental contract specifically says they can show the house the last month or two we are in it to prospective tenants. I guess it's normal?

Julie said...

So sorry about the showings, blah! I was just thinking that this time last year we were showing our own houses. I would not stress too much about it since it's not your house (if that's possible!). When we were renting in Centerville it seems like everytime I emptied a closet to start dejunking & packing our landlord would bring someone over to show the place. Good times.
How exciting to be closing on your new house. I think you are wise to get it the way you want before moving in, what a pain to live around.