Sunday, January 25, 2009

Scuba Experience

Brad has always wanted to go scuba diving. I have never in my life wanted to experience scuba diving. Once when we were visiting an aquarium, we walked through a tunnel that gave you the experience of being surrounded by marine life. Brad mentioned how cool it would be to scuba and see everything up close. I replied, "Why do you need to? This is just as good and you don't get wet!"

Getting wet has been the issue for me. I don't enjoy water. I don't like getting my face wet. I take quick showers and don't really swim. Although I do enjoy going to the beach, I like to keep my face out of the water. It seems silly but I had tubes in my ears until I was 10 years old. For 10 years all I heard when I was near water was, "keep your head out of the water." It is no surprise I don't like to get my face wet.

I also don't enjoy boats. This is also caused by other "traumatic" boat experiences when I was young but I won't go into that now.

Since scuba diving involves both boats and getting wet, it has been extremely low on my list of things to do before I die. Actually, it has never been there and probably won't ever be....But now that has all changed. Here is the story:

As I previously mentioned, scuba diving has been an interest to Brad for many, many, many years. Now that we have a bit of wiggle room in our budget, Brad has been actively pursing ways to spend this wiggle room. Last Friday afternoon, instead of coming home from work, Brad "dropped by" the local dive shop. He was informed of a scuba experience the next Friday night. It only cost $20 per person and they take you to the local aquatic center and give you a mini lesson, strap on the gear, and let you try scuba diving while assisted by trained professionals. Needless to say, he signed us up. Both of us. Yes, me. The one who has absolutely no interest in scuba diving. No interest. No desire. No way Jose!

He basically gave me no choice in the matter. HE REALLY WANTED ME TO DO THIS! REALLY WANTED ME TO DO THIS! So being the good wife that I am, I agreed, timidly. I dreaded this date night all week. I "forgot" to call a babysitter despite being prodded by Brad on a daily basis. Eventually he cornered me into calling someone before I "forgot" again.

(I know this story is long but I'm writing it for posterity's sake) So Friday arrives and I am sick to my stomach ALL DAY (because of nerves-I get that way when I am worried). By 3:30 I am in bed about ready to throw up. Brad comes home and tells me I don't have to go with this sad little puppy dog face and tells me I can just watch him. Well, that really does not sound like any fun at all, does it? Brad informs me that our good friends, Jason and Ashley, are going to join us for the dive and that makes me feel a little better-Ashley probably hates water more than me.

Time passes and it is time to go. I pull myself out of bed (darn it!) and get ready. We go to dinner and meet Ashley and Jason at the pool. We are a little early and Ashley and I commiserate while complimenting ourselves on being nice wives that are willing to do such a big thing for our husbands. By this time I am actually trembling.

We change into our swim suits (I bought the cutest little cover up at the end of the summer for $4 at J.C. Penney's. It looks fabulous with my swim suit if I don't say so myself-hee, hee) and met the instructors. They were very nice and tried to put Ashley and I at ease. After some difficulty finding the correct size of equipment for me (it turns out I need kid-sized fins). We were ready to be instructed. The instructors were fabulous! They did such a great job teaching us and helping Ashley and I feel comfortable in the water and with the equipment.

They helped us get used to the gear and the underwater breathing experience gradually. Eventually, we were ready to go to the deep end. It took me a bit of time to feel comfortable but soon I was swimming around, throwing torpedoes, and having fun. Only once did I feel claustrophobic and had to swim to the surface to calm myself down. One of the instructors immediately followed me and helped me go back down. It was such a good feeling knowing that they were so aware of us and ready to help us.

We stayed in the water for over an hour and by the end I felt really good. I had problems with my mask slipping and leaking but I was able to clear it underwater without problem (I probably need a kid-sized mask as well). When the time was up and we got out, they asked us how we liked it. I actually replied, "Awesome!" Can you believe it? I actually liked it! Me, who never, ever, ever wanted to experience this actually said awesome. Brad then asked me if we should book the Honduras dive trip with the dive shop. I said I would need more time in the pool before I felt more comfortable but I would seriously consider signing up for dive lessons.

Do I even have to say that Brad was so happy. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience, despite a leaking mask (his had a slight crack and maybe his beard/moustache got in the way), and he was thrilled that I liked it as well. It was a fun experience. I was glad I had such great instructors and friends to share it with. Ashley had a good time but had a lot of difficulty with her ears. I hope that doesn't hold her back.

Now Brad is really pushing for that Honduras trip. I'm not sure if we will go but I did say yes to dive lessons.

Now Brad, I did scuba dive even though I didn't want to and enjoyed it. Just don't get your hopes up that I will ever, ever go whitewater river rafting with you. That is just asking too much!


Emma said...

way to "jump" right in! Sorry I'm a little corny. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience.

Jen said...

Yeah Jenni it was so great to read something fun about you again. What a great experience for you guys. I'm so proud of you. I am the same way with water. I don't love to go under. I think years of my brothers holding me under in swimming pools did a number on me.

Really, you should do that Honduras trip with Brad. It would be such a great get-away for you two. We all miss you here Jen. It sounds like you have settled in a little more now. Again, I'm glad you had a fun scuba experience!

Janus said...

That sounds like so fun, and something that I could possibly do. My problem is the diving. Maybe I need diving lessons, too.
Glad you enjoyed it.


Lydia said...

Wow, Honduras sounds like so much fun. That's awesome that you did it AND enjoyed it. I had a similar fear last summer with mountain biking, and I ended loving it.

Audra said...

What a great post! Eric and I are so happy That you and Brad finally get to enjoy the money you've spent years in school to earn. Go to Honduras Jenni-you will love it!!

Kate said...

Way to Go! You did it! I certified at scuba when I was 16- I don't know if I could do it now. Glad to see your still out there :)

Sarah said...

Way to go Jenni! I think a trip to Honduras sounds awesome....grab the offer while you can! :)

Miss you, Jenni.

Anonymous said...

Great job! Sounds like a blast!
Hugs and kudos!

P.S. White water rafting is sooooo fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a nice wife you are! It sounds fun, but a little scary to me also (even though I love's the claustrophobia that would freak me out).

Julie said...

What a fun date! You were very brave & a great wife to do such a thing.
I'd take the trip then next time you could be in charge of where to go & what "torture" to put Brad through.

Ann said...

Jenni, I love this post. You are very good at expressing what you were feeling and really making us understand your fear. I love the fact that you ended up having such a good time. Way to face your fear! We miss you and your cute family. Glad the school door is finally closed on Brad.

S Murdock said...

Yeah Jenni! I'm so impressed by you! That sounds fun and adventurous!