Thursday, January 29, 2009

Newberry and Other Book Recommendations

I was reading the BYU Magazine this morning and discovered an article about a professor at BYU who participates in the selection of the Newberry Awards. There was a website with some of his book recommendations that I thought was interesting and useful and I thought I would share it with y'all. Click here for the link. I already put some of his choices on reserve at the library. Stay tuned to my GoodReads to read my recommendations.


Vicki said...

One book I noticed on his website is Charlotte's Web. I hadn't really ever read this and checked out the audio book for a road trip this past summer. Read by the author, it was really a great listen. I recommend it as well.

Thanks Jenni for your book recommends. The majority of new books I get come from your good reads!

Audra said...

How is the star garden? I loved these is my words, but never got around to the sequel.The Star garden isn't the sequel is it?

Angela said...

Thanks for the website. I just checked it out, I was so excited to recognize a few titles and I even own some. I am like Vicki and get many of the books I read from you!