Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Eleven Reasons Why I Haven't Been Blogging (in no particular order)

  1. The house has been sold and I'm taking advantage of the fact that my house can be messy. (oh and it has been!). It is a lot of work messing up a house.
  2. The weather has been beautiful (save for yesterday when it was freezing-no kidding) We have been playing outside and having fun.
  3. I'm reading again! As soon as the kids are in bed, I'm on the couch with my book.
  4. Brad has been a computer hog. Do we really need to back up the hard drive before the move (well I guess so).
  5. I can't be on the computer with Ben in the room. He is trying to improve his typing speed.
  6. I'm having a garage sale this weekend and I have been sorting and piling and pricing. So fun! I don't think I'll make much but at least my stuff will be gone!
  7. I have over 300 pictures to sort through before I can post them. I'll do that later.
  8. I keep forgetting all the cute things I would blog about.
  9. I have been busy with "stuff" that needs to be done before we move. It's boring stuff but needs to be done.
  10. I taught a lesson on Sunday in Relief Society. If I was on the computer I was working on that or see below.
  11. I have been reading your blogs! So much fun!


Vicki said...

I miss your blog, but totally understand. Good luck on the garage sale!

Lydia said...

I'm feeling for you with this whole moving thing. Jeff and I have moved to a different state every year for the past several, and this is the first year we're staying put. I keep having these moments of anxiety since June was always our moving time, but then I sit back and relax when I realize we still have a few years.

Let me know if you need any help with anything!

Kate said...

Sounds like you are very busy. Good luck with the yard sale and moving. I'll be thinking of you.

Janus said...

and I LOVE reading your blog, too.

Angela said...

I can't wait to hear how your yard sale goes. And I look forward to seeing your 300 photos!

Stacy said...

I just wanted to say that I appreciated your lesson last Sunday. You have a gift. I'm sad you're leaving but so happy for you too. I'm sure you'll love Idaho. Good luck on the garage sale - that's something I don't enjoy doing (the selling - love the shopping!).

Lara said...

Good luck with the yard sale! My sister didn't blog a lot before her move here and I haven't since she got here. :) I miss your lessons. It has been a long time since Houston. I will keep checking for the photos. :)