Saturday, May 17, 2008

Silly Frustrations

Do you ever get frustrated with the way women's clothes are sized? It seems there is no rhyme or reason to what constitutes a 4, 6, 8 or S, M, or L.

Case in point:
I have a huge container of capri's-in various sizes due to the different sizes I have experienced throughout the past 4 years (and 2 pregnancies). I pulled it down to sort through which capris I would wear and which needs to be tossed.

As I sorted I grew in frustration. There was no consistency to the sizing (even for the same brand). For example, I pulled out a pair of size 4's and with wishful thoughts tried them on. They fit with a little room to spare! But then I pulled out another pair (a size 8) and they were so tight I couldn't even button them (talk about annoying!!!). Then since I had such luck with the 4's, I tried on another pair but could hardly make it over my thighs. I threw them off in disgust!

Men's clothes are so much simpler. You buy exactly what size you are. If you have a 34 inch waist then buy 34 inch pants. Easy.

Am I the only one who is annoyed by this? Or is there some secret that I am not aware of.


Jen said...

Oh Jenny, if you could only have heard me talking to myself yelling in my bedroom time after time about this exact thing and not knowing what the heck size I am, you would feel much better.

There have been times that I have fit into a much smaller size and feeling so proud of myself and then trying that size on in the store and it doesn't go over my ankle, so I am right there with you!

The other thing men have going for them is that the styles don't really change much; t-shirt and jeans. If I were to stay in style I would have to buy a new wardrobe every season. Obviously I am not in style so now you know why. he-he

Good luck with these issues, they are never ending as a woman.

Lara said...

I don't know why they don't make it simpler. It is much easier for men. I hate going back to stores to return things so it means always trying things on because they never are the same. Frustrating.

Ann said...

I hear ya. Very frusterating! I don't get it either.

Vicki said...

James is constantly saying this same thing. He can never buy me clothes because the size I tell him I am is dependent on the store or brand. This is probably for the best as I like to pick out my own clothes (or have Mom do it!), but it makes no sense to size it like that. Sometimes I think it's because women don't want to know the measurement, but I think we can deal with it!

Angela said...

It is frustrating, I agree. But along the line of clothing, are we going to be able to fit any shopping in this summer???