Thursday, August 21, 2008

Emily's First Day of First Grade

Today was Emily's first day of First Grade. I was afraid she would be too tired to wake up. Despite my best efforts to gradually move up bedtime, we still have been going to bed and waking up late. But she woke up and was eager to go. I took a few pictures and unfortunately none of them really turn out well. Here's the best of the worst.
I worry that First Grade will not be a challenge for Emily. We went to Back to School night and saw what they will be working on and Emily has been doing it since the beginning of Kindergarten. We mentioned our concerns to the teacher and she didn't seem to want to talk about it. She has been teaching 23 years and I get the feeling she is going to go with the "program" rather than what Emily needs. Oh, gee. Any advice?


Rosemary and Rick said...

She looks adorable! I can't believe how much earlier school starts in the West! Mary Jane thinks Emily looks older.

Jen said...

What a doll. Mylee was looking at pictures of me when I was little and said I looked like Emily. I don't see it, but I thought that was cute of Mylee to mention Emily. Good luck with first grade.

Hopefully, she is more challenged as the year goes on. If not, I would just have her work in upper grade level workbooks or something. Just an idea. Good luck with that. My sister in law has complained about that being back in Utah from Wisconsin. The East and West just have a totally different teaching curve and curriculum. She'll be fine though.

Ann said...

Cute! Love the dress-up pics too. Kyson and Sam are in the same boat. . . poor boys.
Good luck with school. . . just keep her challenged at home and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

Can you have her tested into a higher grade? If you feel as the year progresses that it's not enough, I would look into it. Private school is also an option, although killer expensive, of course.

Julie said...

Yeah for Emily! Starting school has been a very good thing for our family, Sarah was ready & so was I!
I hope the class turns out better than it looks right now. Emily is so smart!

Janus said...

She looks so cute!!! How is she doing in school? I bet she is doing great. We're anxiously awaiting for school to start here. Today (August 27) Alexis meets her teacher. She is sooooo....excited.

Have a great day!!!


Angela said...

I love Emily!

Any word yet on what you're going to do with her school?

Jenni said...

I'm still working on it. Her teacher is sending home advanced homework but I'm not sure what is being done in the classroom yet.