Monday, August 11, 2008

I should be in bed....

I started to go to bed about 45 minutes ago but got lost in blogger land. I love being able to hear about what is happening with all my blogging friends. It does take time; but it is worth it! I am going to bed now....I promise.


Jen said...

Jen, I am right there with you. Right now, for example, I should be getting my kids ready for swim lessons, but nope I am reading your blog instead. I'm addicted. It kind of died off for me for a while, but I think the nicotene of it all has hit me again. Happy blogging! I really wish it was called something else though!

Angela said...

How many nights I have thought the exact same thing!

Lara said...

LOL! I just got back from volleyball and I did the same thing. :)

Lydia said...

I'm on the computer right now when I should be cleaning and making lunch. Catching up with friends is so much fun!

Kate said...

I totally understand. I even check in several times a day- what's with that?!