Fast forward 14 years and how our lives have changed! Both of us changed our careers from what we expected (I ended up teaching special education and Brad completed a Ph.D. and Medical School). We now have 3 beautiful children and look forward to only one more year of residency!!!!!!
This blog is dedicated to my dear husband. I'm stealing Angela's anniversary blog format and using her idea with some modification.
Things you compliment him on while in his presence:
- He works so hard providing for his family! Even though residency is challenging he keeps trudging on (he now has a countdown - 10 months to go!!!)
- He is a fabulous dad. When Brad walks in the door there are usually huge screams and a stampede of feet rushing to see him. Then the climbing and jumping on Dad begins. The kids love to play with and look forward to his arrival everyday. This is because they know Dad will play with them and spend time with them.
- He is so helpful with everything from cooking (he is a great cook) to cleaning.
- He is supportive of me having "my time". Always willing to take over the kids for Book Club, Girls Night Out, shopping. Many times he has even watch my friend's kids and our kids so I could go have some fun with friends.
Traits you married him for:
- He is smart. He does have an MD and a Ph.D. Need I say more. But I will...When I was in Young Women's I remember making a list of qualities I wanted in a husband. #1 was an intelligent man. I realized Brad was smart right away and really admired that. At Ricks' Brad had the highest grade in his Organic Chemistry class and ruined the grading curve for many people. My grade soared my 2nd year at Ricks because if I wanted to be with him, it would be at the library while he studied or worked in the computer lab.
- He plans for his long term future. I was impressed that he seriously considered his future and worked hard to make it happen.
- He is nice. Simple as that, he's nice.
Days you cherish being together:
- Our wedding day (this is an anniversary post). It was a wonderful day!
- The birth of each of our children. I love watching him cuddle our new babies. They look so small in his arms. I also love how much he looks after me in the hospital. He makes sure I am comfortable and taken care of which really worries me in the hospital.
Material things you could give him if you just inherited a fortune:
- A million dollars and a new car (inside joke-every time we ask each other what do we want (for whatever reason) we always respond "A million dollars and a new car" even if it is to ask what do you want for dinner (I know - really silly).
- Some kind of computer or other high tech gadget (I'm so technically challenged that I wouldn't even know the coolest thing - but Brad does!)
Things you would miss the most if he left for two weeks:
- His listening ear. He always listens to my rambles about my day. As soon as the kids are in bed or sometimes as soon as he walks in the door. I talk his ear off about what happened that day, what I'm thinking about, what I'm reading, or anything else. When we were newly married, I used to tell him the plot of the book I was reading. It wasn't until years later that I discovered he really did not like listening to this (he actually hated it), but I never realized it.
- His help with the kids and house. No matter how long a day he has had, he comes home and helps with the kids or picks up the living room or does the dishes. During his intern year, he would be so exhausted but he would still play with the kids. So many times he would fall asleep on the floor with the kids playing and climbing on him.
Thoughts that crossed your mind when you first met/saw him:
When I first met Brad, I was working at Jacob Lake Inn near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon as a waitress. John, one of the owners, introduced Brad to me while I was prepping some salads for one of my tables. John introduced Brad to me as "Jennifer" which I really don't like to be called. It really annoyed me but since I was busy and distracted I didn't really pay much attention. Later, I realized I couldn't remember his name and I kept calling him Brian. It is funny because when I introduced Brad to Mom she kept calling him Brian (without ever hearing me do it or mention it).
Favorite dates:
- Eating bread sticks at Craigos once a week watching Star Trek - The Next Generation (doesn't that sound nerdy). We had to scrounge up our loose change to afford it.
- Brad and his roommates planned a date where we started at Deseret Industries to pick out each other an outfit. I found Brad an incredibly ugly shirt and pants. (The pants were former uniform pants and Lori, one of the other girls in the party, and I picked out matching pants for Brad and Andrew. Later, when we were changing into the clothes, Andrew couldn't fit into his so he and Brad switched. The whole night Brad's pants were so tight on him; I think they eventually split.) They made us a spaghetti dinner and we had to eat with kitchen utensils on a garbage bag. The guys took our original clothes and dropped them off at a neighbors. Later that night we had to knock on about 10 doors in his complex and ask them if they had our clothes. Kind of embarrassing but really fun!!!!!
Funny/odd things you love about him:
- I used to hate peeling my own oranges so Brad would do it for me. Before he would hand me a slice, he would give it a little kiss. Isn't that sweet and romantic.
- He leaves me notes sometimes in the morning before he leaves for work.
Places you have lived together:
- Utah
- Texas
- Minnesota
- Soon to be Idaho
Favorite future vacations you look forward to:
- Alaskan cruise
- Europe especially Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, and England
- New York City
- Caribbean cruise
- Hawaii
- Australia/New Zealand
- I could go on and on...
Things you look forward to doing together later in life:
- Build our dream home
- Travel!!!!

Happy Anniversary Jenni and Brad. Love the post!
What a great posting! I have had Brad as a brother-in-law as long as I can remember. If this is your 14th year anniversary, that means I was 11 when you were married! I have always been impressed by Brad, especially as I have gotten older and gotten married myself. I am always impressed by how much he supports Jenni, and how he tolerates his in-laws without a single negative word said (out loud!). Jenni and Brad are a couple James and I have looked to for tips on how to maintain a loving, supportive relationship and are learning from their well-thought out and hard-working parenting skills, which I hope we can do as well as they do when we have kids!
Thanks Vicki!!!!
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