Friday, August 17, 2007

You are my Sunshine - Emily Violet

Emily is 5 years old and is such a sweet girl. Brad and I are so grateful for her. She is a wonderful daughter. Here are some things that make Emily so special:
  • Emily loves to be a helper. The other day we were going to go to the park. While I was getting ready, Emily made our sandwiches for us without me asking. While I was pregnant and just after Ben was born, I was so tired in the mornings that Emily would make breakfast (cereal and milk) for Sam so I could sleep a little longer. I could go on and on...
  • She LOVES to earn money. She is constantly asking what she can do to earn money. She'll sweep the floor, clean the toy room, pick weeds, sell lemonade (a favorite) or just about anything to earn a few coins. She has about $8.00 so far - earned a few coins at a time. And don't forget to pay her - she'll hunt you down until she has her pay.
  • She is artistic. She loves to draw and create. She comes up with amazing art projects that she has designed herself. Her favorite toys are paper, scissors, tape, and markers. Once I asked her what she wants to be when she grows up and she said, "An artist and a nurse. I'll be a nurse before I have kids and then an artist after because I can draw when my kids sleep!!!"
  • She is kind to others. If someone is hurt she wants to help them get better (see above comment about what she wants to be when she grows up.) When Sam had a sliver in his finger, she held the flashlight for Brad while he got it out and then put his band aid on him. She didn't even flinch (while I left the room so I didn't have to see). She also does so many nice things for the whole family.
  • She loves books and stories. I was always afraid I would have kids that would not like to read but my fears are unwarranted because she loves books. Just before Sam was born, I started having her listen to books on tape. She loves them. She now listens to "chapter books." She'll sit for hours (literally) listening to a book on tape and color or play with Polly Pockets or Ponies. Her favorite books so far have been the Magic Tree House books, Little House Book, the Boxcar Children, and Cam Jansen books.
  • She is persistent. When Emily wants to do something she does not relent until she is satisfied. She has always been like this. When she was about 1 year old she wanted to learn how to walk up and down stairs. My mom has two little steps going into her family room. Emily walked up and down those two little stairs over and over and over until she could do it without falling. She is still that way. When she was 4 she wanted to learn how to stand on her head. She tried and tried. First it was only for 1 second, then 3 seconds. Then longer and longer. Her longest stand was 1 minute and 20 seconds! She has had that same determination with learning cartwheels, hand stands, and many other activities.

  • She LOVES Benjamin! The first thing she does in the morning is asks where Ben is. She carries him around (when permitted), helps bathe him, reads and sings to him, gives him "tummy time", helps him "exercise", and gives him as much love and attention she can. She always says, "He's such a cute baby! I love Benjamin." She plays with him and he loves it! She is such a help with him. I really appreciate how much she loves him and tries so hard to make him happy.

  • She loves playing with her friends and they love her. After being gone for a month, the girls in Emily's Primary class each said, "Emily I'm so glad you are back! I missed you so much!" Emily is always asking for a friend to come over and play. She really enjoys spending time with them. I'm also glad she considers her cousins her friends as well (they just can't come over to play unless we are at Grandma Eva's).

  • She is kind and loving to Sam. Okay, sometimes there is a little sibling rivalry but Emily really enjoys being with him. One morning Sam slept in really late (which is rare!). After awhile Emily kept asking, "When is Sam going to wake up. I want to play with him." She watches out for him and helps him with things he can't do. She is a great big sister!

  • She is amazing! I say that because she really is. She is smart, talented in so many ways, has a huge vocabulary, writes really well, she is stronger than a horse (you should see her biceps), and I could go on and on. Of course, I'm her mom and I should think that but since this is my blog I'm going to write it too. We love our Sunshine!

  • We call her our Sunshine because that is what she is. She is a little ray of sun shining on our family! She brings us so much joy and happiness.

Here is Emily helping me frost Christmas cookies. She frosts better than Brad!
(I'm about 6 1/2 months pregnant with Ben in this picture)These are her preschool friends (She's the one with the hat on).
They loved to dress up and play during free time. Aren't they cute!
(We had a preschool co-op)

I told you she could stand on her head. Here she is at her dance class recital.She LOVES baby Benjamin!

Here's Emily reading Sam a story. She loves to do this!

Emily - You are my Sunshine!


Vicki said...


I have so enjoyed reading your blog. It has made me laugh out loud and also sigh in sympathy. I just love to see pictures of your cute kids and to catch up on what you are all up to. My favorite memory of Emily is seeing her excitement and utterly fearless joy when riding the rides at Lagoon this year and last summer (especially the Dino Drop). She was like the only kid who didn't have an adult with her on that ride, and she kept saying, "This is too fun!" What a great little girl!

Angela said...

I love your little Emily like crazy, like she's my own. I think it's because of all your kids, she's the one I spent the most time with. Although when I look back on it now, I can't believe she was only two when you moved... she seemed so much older! You do such a great job with her, and I love hearing your stories about her and all of her smartness and sweetness.