Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Slowly Going Crazy

Reasons Why I Am Slowly Going Crazy (in no particular order):
  1. Brad has been working 6 days a week/12+ hours a day for 4 weeks now. 3 more to go.
  2. Our house goes on the market next week. Need I say more.
  3. It has been FREEZING for months now (although today was in the 40's-maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel).
  4. It is too difficult to take 3 kids anywhere in the cold and I have too much to do at home.
  5. Did I mention Brad is never home.
  6. Did I mention I am trying to get our house ready to sell with 3 kids home bound and a husband that is never home.

Let's hope I'm still sane in June.


Lara said...

Hang in there! I know if anyone can do it you can!

Angela said...

I wish I could be there to help! I also wish I had such a good excuse for my slow edge to craziness!

Anonymous said...

You poor girl! How do you do it???

Jen said...

come on Jen, what fun stuff. How could you possibly be going crazy? I know, I'm telling you, that was my first year here minus trying to sell a house. Hang in there. You are so close to being done with all of that, you lucky lucky lucky girl.