Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sam is Four!!!

Sam turned four this month. (I'll post birthday party pictures soon.) Here are a few shots of my buddy Sam.
Sam has the cutest giggle in the world! If you listen hard you can hear it (well, just pretend you can). I can't believe he is four!!! What happened to the time.
This little boy grew up too fast.


Emma said...

Happy Birthday Sam!!!

Angela said...

Time is passing way too quickly. It doesn't seem like it could possibly be four years ago that I took your mom and Emily to the hospital to visit you and Sam. When the nurse asked us who we were visiting Emily promptly answered, "My baby brother." I thought that was the cutest answer in the world. What a special time.

Jen said...

Sam is a cutie and has grown up so fast. He was so tiny when we moved into the ward. I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog. I have made mine private and would love to invite you to read it if you send me your email address. Then when you move I can keep in touch with you. I will really miss you Jen. I can't tell you how excited I would be to see you and Julie at gymnastics. I am so excited for you guys to move on. Good luck with everythings and bye the way Sam does look like your uncle.

Lara said...

I can't believe how fast it goes. He looks very happy and that is a sign that you are a great mom!