Monday, February 25, 2008

Pet Peeve

Someone I hardly know called me and left me a message on my answering machine. They said they had an "urgent question" for me and to call them back right away. This kind of bothers me because:
  1. I hardly know them
  2. What could be so urgent that would involve me
  3. How come they couldn't give me a clue as to what they want
  4. This person is a little strange and I would rather not talk to them if I don't have to

I really don't want to call them back. I wonder what I'll do. What would you do?


Vicki said...

Never in a million years would I call them back.

Jenni said...

Vicki-I love that about you!

Angela said...

It bothers me too when people call and say, I just have a question, call me back. I'd like to know the question before I call them back. Maybe I need time to think about the answer. Usually I'm busy, and if I know the questions, I can determine how quickly I need to call them back.