Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What is Your Forecast?

I just check the weather report and it is -3 F but feels like -30 F with the wind chill factor. It has been snowing and blowing all day and we have a blizzard warning in effect right now. We probably have gotten 4 inches of snow but it is hard to tell because it is blowing so hard.

The school district released the kids early but I was teaching preschool and couldn't pick her up from the bus stop. She had to walk up the hill to our house (it wasn't quite as cold as the current conditions but still pretty horrible). She was so cold (but excited that she could help with preschool). At least I had her dressed as warm as possible (snow pants, scarf, mittens, hat, coat with attached hat over the other hat).

Later, I went out to shovel the front walkway because Julie was coming over to pick up Mason, Sam and Emily to play at her house. I was outside about 10 minutes (or less) and my fingers were frozen (despite heavy gloves) and my cheeks were so cold I could hardly feel them when I went inside.

After talking to Julie who just drove to my house in a Ford Explorer, I decided to make it a stay at home day because of the heavy snow and blizzard conditions. I had two visiting teaching appointments scheduled but I was worried about driving in the extreme conditions. So I cancelled everything. Julie stayed a little longer to let the kids play at our house and spared me a drive out in the snow.

I'm such a wuss about driving in snow. I really hate it although I'm better than I used to be. Because it is so cold, I feared that if something happened we would freeze waiting for help. The last thing I want is three kids in the car freezing.

So Emily and Sam are doing art projects, Ben is asleep, and I'm sneaking in a little blogging time while we stay warm in the office with the space heater going full force.

How on earth did the early settlers survive the long, harsh, freezing cold Minnesota winters? I'm grateful for warm houses, hot running water, cars, and the fact that I did not have to can or prepare all the food that I'm eating this winter. Wal-Mart is one mile away but that seems too far in this weather.


Emma said...

Wow, that sounds so cold! Glad you are staying warm. I would have canceled my plans too.

Vicki said...

This winter has really been snowy and harsh. It is cold in Utah, too. There is a decent long-lasting pack of snow in my front yard - so much so that our lack of shoveling well got me stuck in my own driveway a few days ago! However, it is not as cold as Minnesota. Stay warm!