Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kindness Jar

The past few days at our house there has been too much arguing, teasing, crying and disobedience (from the kids). Brad and I were getting fed up with it. So we have decided to try a "Kindness Jar". When they are nice, kind, obedient, and all-around-good, we put a rock in jar. If they are mean, tease, or disobedient we take one out. When the jar is full we are going to go get ice cream (Emily LOVES ice cream). So far it has changed the atmosphere in the house for the better. We hope it continues!

Does anyone else have any good ideas to help stop the teasing, crying, and arguing?


Vicki said...

It sounds like a good idea, Jenni, though I can't believe your kids would actually be arguing and fighting :)

Jenni said...

Oh, Vicki, you are so kind to think that of us!

Angela said...

I really like this idea. What a fun, tangible way to work towards a goal. We might try this at our house. But maybe I'll call it an attitude jar... or an obedience jar. We've been doing tickets for good behavior, good attitude, cooperation, no complaining at bed time, making good choices, etc. The kids can cash the tickets in for things. A few tickets can be traded in for small things like fruit roll ups (I don't give them out for anything else) or they can save up for big things (like a trip to chuckee cheeses). Each one has their own color, so stealing tickets doesn't help. So far it's helped. But I like the jar idea for focusing in on one specific area that needs immediate improvement.

Emma said...

That is a fabulous idea. We should try it!